BT Photography

Sunday, January 3, 2010


Recently, I went to Alabama for the SWAC football Championship game. While in Birmingham, I thought it would be nice to see the city on my own, so I set out to explore a bit and the results were pretty interesting.

This isn't exactly Birmingham, its the hotel. But the way it was designed on the inside reminded me of a beehive or that city in the matrix.

I never would have thought Birmingham had an art district, but the city definitely proved me wrong. I wish it wasn't so cold so that the running fountain would have been running though.

What would a tour of the city be without city hall?

Its the details of this picture that tell the most. The trashbag behind the post, the plain folding chair next to the elegant red one. The imagination plays with hundreds of storylines to fit the scene.

The image speaks for itself.

Sunday, October 11, 2009

50mm Practice

The Challenge: Go out and shoot everyday for a full weekend. (If you know anything about my schedule, you know why this is a challenge) The catch: I could only shoot using a 50mm fixed lens. I constantly try to challenge myself in photography so that I don't get complacent, and so that I can learn more and more about my craft. The challenge of shooting with just a 50mm was difficult, but I enjoyed every minute of it. I learned a lot about shot composition, and I also learned to look at things from a different perspective. From "Game Night" with Campus Activities Board, to just random shots on the yard, my 50mm experience is one that I would share with all who are truly interested in photography. Here are some of the results.

Monday, September 21, 2009

What are YOU running for?

I know. It has been forever since I last had a post, but it has been withg ood reason people. The campus has been buzzing with events, parties, and people running for SGA and Homecoming positions, all of which require a photographer. Most of my time however, was taken by campaign posters. I have never really had to do posters before. (Shout out to Timmoneshia for being my first) But I was really busy this week between photoshoots and posters. Since this has been my first full blown dive into design, I decided to post some of the work up here. So check it out, and don't forget to leave comments!

Saturday, September 5, 2009

The Pep Rally That Never Was

Alright good people, with the Labor Day classic coming up, everyone on campus is geeked. Sodexo even had dinner outside on Thursday to hype things up. With such a huge crowd, I HAD to go out and see what I could do with my telephoto lens (70-300 f/1.4-5.6). I was really exited to try it out because I really want to get into more candids this year. This ended up being a really nice event, we even had a little talent show with poets, singers etc...and of course we had to do the PV Shuffle. Overall, the light was great, people were having a great time, it made for some really great photos. See for yourself...

Sunday, August 30, 2009

Alyssa Turns 21...

Friday, Alyssa turned 21 years old. What a It started at 12:00 on the dot that morning at the 5AVE 5IVE, and ended that night at Binihana. We had a blast.Good food, Great times, what more could you ask for. The dinner was of cousre for Alyssa at the place she picked. I brought my camera ( along with my 18-55mm) just to take some nice pics of the birthday girl. What I got was that and more. The nice ambient lighting of the restaurant made for some really cool effects on the photos. Anyways, congrats and God Bless to Alyssa for making it through another year.

Saturday, August 29, 2009

It Feels Good To Be Back.

What else can I say? I am finally back on the Hill, and it feels great. I made it just in time to get to the Freshman pep rally. These freshman are gonna be ready for the school year for real. I didn't bring my telephoto, but my handy dandy 18-55mm did just fine. Enjoy...

Friday, August 14, 2009

Twin Trip

The twins called me, and asked me to ride down to SIUE with them and I thought it would be a pretty nice day long getaway, so I said yes. I'm pretty glad I did. Sometimes living in suburban Chicago can make you forget that the rest of the state is truly part of the heartland of America. Beautiful rolling hills, cornfields, clear skies, cornfields, pretty red barns, cornfields, nice rural diners, and who can forget the cornfields? Anyway, I knew I had to bring my camera along. Here's a sample of the fun, Leave comments!