BT Photography

Monday, September 21, 2009

What are YOU running for?

I know. It has been forever since I last had a post, but it has been withg ood reason people. The campus has been buzzing with events, parties, and people running for SGA and Homecoming positions, all of which require a photographer. Most of my time however, was taken by campaign posters. I have never really had to do posters before. (Shout out to Timmoneshia for being my first) But I was really busy this week between photoshoots and posters. Since this has been my first full blown dive into design, I decided to post some of the work up here. So check it out, and don't forget to leave comments!

Saturday, September 5, 2009

The Pep Rally That Never Was

Alright good people, with the Labor Day classic coming up, everyone on campus is geeked. Sodexo even had dinner outside on Thursday to hype things up. With such a huge crowd, I HAD to go out and see what I could do with my telephoto lens (70-300 f/1.4-5.6). I was really exited to try it out because I really want to get into more candids this year. This ended up being a really nice event, we even had a little talent show with poets, singers etc...and of course we had to do the PV Shuffle. Overall, the light was great, people were having a great time, it made for some really great photos. See for yourself...