BT Photography

Sunday, January 3, 2010


Recently, I went to Alabama for the SWAC football Championship game. While in Birmingham, I thought it would be nice to see the city on my own, so I set out to explore a bit and the results were pretty interesting.

This isn't exactly Birmingham, its the hotel. But the way it was designed on the inside reminded me of a beehive or that city in the matrix.

I never would have thought Birmingham had an art district, but the city definitely proved me wrong. I wish it wasn't so cold so that the running fountain would have been running though.

What would a tour of the city be without city hall?

Its the details of this picture that tell the most. The trashbag behind the post, the plain folding chair next to the elegant red one. The imagination plays with hundreds of storylines to fit the scene.

The image speaks for itself.